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Product Details
Arduino Wireless Shields
These two shields from Arduino provide your Arduino board with wireless communication. 7485348 has an SD card socket onboard and 7485442 does not have an SD card socket onboard.
Features & Benefits of the Wireless Shield
- Communicates up to 100 feet indoors or 300 feet outdoors
- Other uses include;
-Serial/USB replacement
-Various broadcast and networking possibilities by configuring command mode
- Compatible with XBee® modules: 802.15.4, ZNet 2.5 and ZB
Arduino Shields & Add-On Boards
Range of shields and add-on boards can add the extra functionality you need by attaching on top of or plugging into an Arduino board. Functionality ranges from adding motion sensing, power management, motors and displays to connecting your devices via Ethernet, GSM, WiFi and USB. There are also options for more flexible prototyping.
- Classification: Shield
- Technology: Wireless