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Product Details
Arduino Micro Development Board
The Arduino Micro is a tiny 48 x 18 mm development board with a built-in USB connection — great for prototyping. There are two versions of the Micro board, 7798864 without headers and 7717667 with headers. The Micro also features an ATmega 32u4 microcontroller with a pre-programmed bootloader. This means that you can upload extra code without needing an external programmer.
To get started with your Micro board, you will need to connect to a computer using a micro USB cable.
Features & Benefits of the Micro
- 20 digital I/O pins
- 7 PWM outputs
- 12 analog inputs
- 16 MHz crystal oscillator
- 32 KB flash memory
- 2.5 KB SRAM
- ICSP header
- Reset button
- 5 V operating voltage
- Can be powered either uisng a power supply or micro USB connection
- Resettable polyfuse to prevent shorts and overcurrents on your computer
Arduino AVR Development Boards
Adurino have a range of boards at RS that feature an AVR ATmega microcontroller at the core. Most of the boards feature the 32u4 microcontroller with the Mega boards featuring the ATmega 2560 and the Uno/Nano boards featuring the ATmega328 microcontroller.
- Classification: Development Board
- Name: Micro
- Processor Part Number: ATmega32u4