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Product Details
Arduino Leonardo Development Boards (with and without headers)
Arduino have two versions of the Leonardo board from Arduino; 761-7324 with headers and 761-7315 without headers.
The Leonardo features an on-board ATmega32u4 microcontroller as well as built-in USB 2.0. This means that your Leonardo board can appear as a keyboard or mouse on your computer once connected. The board can also appear as a virtual (CDC) serial/COM port.
Features & Benefits of the Leonardo
- 20 digital I/O pins (7 PWM outputs and 12 analog inputs)
- 16 MHz crystal oscillator
- 32 KB Flash memory
- 2.5 KB SRAM
- UART TTL serial communication
- Power jack
- ICSP header
- Reset button
- 5 V operating voltage
Arduino AVR Development Boards
Arduino have a range of Arduino boards at RS that feature an AVR ATmega microcontroller at the core. Most of the boards feature the 32u4 microcontroller with the Mega boards featuring the ATmega 2560 and the Uno/Nano boards featuring the ATmega328 microcontroller.
- Classification: Development Board
- Name: Leonardo
- Processor Part Number: ATmega32u4