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Za željeni artikel nam pošljite sporočilo/povpraševanje in vas bomo kontaktirali.
Camera Shield is the first shield board that support photograph, it is based on the solution of VC0706 + OV7725, the former is a high performance camera processor with enhanced image processing functions and it embedded the hard-wired JPEG codec, and the latter is a high-performance 1/4 inch, single-chip VGA camera and image processor in a small footprint package. We have written our library to control the Camera Shield via UART/SPI, which makes it possible to take picture easily by your Arduino board. Come on and use it to take a photo!
Fully Compatible with Arduino or Seeeduino
High Speed Serial Bus Control: UART/SPI
Integrated MicroSD card Interface
Still Picture Resolution: (640x480) JPEG Output
Power Supply: 5 V 100mA