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Za željeni artikel nam pošljite sporočilo/povpraševanje in vas bomo kontaktirali.
Version R3 - updated for the most compatibility with just about all the Arduinos! It works with UNO, Mega, Leonardo, NG, Diecimila, Duemilanove, and compatible Arduinos. Yun's and Arduino Ethernets have a chunky Ethernet jack that gets in the way of stacking, you can use the stacking headers included and it will work, just doesn't sit nice and flat.
Check out these awesome specifications:
It has a nice standard 0.1"x0.1" prototying grid with big pads
Comes with Stacking headers and plain header, choose whichever you want when soldering together
A IC pattern for adding DIP ICs up to 20 pins
Power rails down the middle and sides
A reset button and an extra general use button
2 3mm general use LEDs, red and green, as well as 2 matching resistors
A pass-thru ICSP stacking header so you can stack any kind of shield on top, and/or use an AVR programmer
A surface-mount chip area for up to 14 SOIC size parts
Compatible with tiny breadboards
Every pin is brought out!
Gold plated pads
2 x 0.1uF capacitors on either side for extra power stability
Comes as a kit of parts so you can choose how you want to configure your shield. However its very easy to assemble even for beginning solderers. More information & instructions are available here.
Arduino and breadboards are not included!
Fits regular Arduino headers
Dimensions (assembled): 69mm x 53mm x 13mm (2.7in x 2.1in x 0.5in)