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The Raspberry Pi TV-uHAT allows you to receive digital terrestrial TV broadcast systems which includes DVB-T and DVB-T2 on a Raspberry Pi. With the board you can receive and view TV on a Raspberry Pi or create a TV server that allows you to stream received TV over a network to other
devices. The TV uHAT can be used on all Raspberry Pi boards when running as a backend (server for other devices on the network). Performance when receiving and viewing TV on a Pi can vary and it is recommended to use a Raspberry Pi 2, 3 or 3+ to do this.
The board comes with:
- set of mechanical spacers
- 40 way header
- Aerial adaptor
Digital Video Broadcast (DVB) is a widely adopted standard for transmitting broadcast Television, countries that have adopted the DVB standard can be found here;
Please note it is the responsibility of the end user to ensure that they have the necessary permissions / license to receive broadcast television in their country.
- Sony CXD2880 TV tuner
- Supported TV standards: DVB-T2, DVB-T
- Reception frequency: VHF III, UHF IV, UHF V
Channel bandwidth:
- DVB-T2: 1.7MHz, 5MHz, 6MHz, 7MHz, 8MHz
- DVB-T: 5MHz, 6MHz, 7MHz, 8MHz
< /> Getting-started-with-the-Raspberry-Pi-TV-HAT
< /> Raspberry-Pi-TV-HAT-Product-Brief